Vidhikrit Legal

IT & Data Privacy

The Data Privacy practice at Vidhikrit Legal comprises a team of seasoned data privacy consultants who possess extensive expertise in advising various industry sectors on achieving compliance with privacy and GDPR regulations. At Vidhikrit Legal, we are committed to assisting organizations in meeting privacy standards by thoroughly evaluating their systems and applications, and devising a pragmatic, risk-based roadmap to achieve privacy compliance.

We excel at interpreting privacy legislation and seamlessly integrating it into our clients’ business operations, ensuring GDPR compliance through our data security and privacy law advice. We recognize the inherent risks and challenges that organizations face in establishing and maintaining effective privacy and data protection programs.

Our team of experts provides invaluable guidance, enabling organizations to gain a deeper understanding of their data landscape and navigate the complex legal and regulatory aspects of data protection.

Whether amending existing processes or creating new ones, we assist organizations in realizing their Business and IT Strategy while ensuring compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

Our experts specialize in keeping organizations legally compliant and up to date in their data handling practices. Leveraging our experience and knowledge, we ensure the security of the data our clients collect and design tailored solutions to meet their specific needs. Through meticulous risk assessments, we identify vulnerabilities that may expose organizations to data breaches, enabling us to fortify their data protection measures.

Additionally, our team possesses proficiency in privacy policy, processes, and technology, enabling us to design, implement, monitor, and enhance our clients’ data privacy risk management capabilities. We work closely with each organization to define, implement, and operationalize their data privacy programs.

Our services encompass the design and implementation of privacy and security programs, including conducting thorough audits and risk assessments, developing robust policies, implementing effective international data transfer strategies, and negotiating complex international data transfer agreements, such as those involving cloud services.

Partner with Vidhikrit Legal to benefit from our expertise and ensure your organization’s privacy and security goals are met with utmost precision and professionalism.


  • Supreme Court 
  • High Courts
  • Commercial Courts
  • National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT)
  • Cyber Appellate Tribunal
  • Telecom Disputes Settlement and Appellate Tribunal (TDSAT)
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